PPGENF/UFPA has disseminate its scientific knowledge to society in several ways:

- Participation in Pint of Science (2019). It is an international event that aims to disseminate scientific studies to the population in order to highlight the importance of scientific research. In the participating cities, several bars provide conference space and the organizers have multimedia resources. Each bar receives an area of ​​concentration (health, engineering, ...). After the organization, the titles of the conferences, the speakers and the bars where they will take place are disseminated through social and communication media. The program website contains popular language summaries of the topic that will be addressed by each speaker. Each speaker is required to avoid technical language both in the abstract and in the lecture. The focus is the understanding of savings, in all social strata, of what the researcher does and what is the importance of his study. The lecture given by the professor was “AIDS, Syphilis and Pará” in the Elephant Coworking space.

- Interviews in radio programs:

CLOSER TO THE PEOPLE - Prof. Carlos Leonardo Figueiredo Cunha

105 FM UNAMA FM - GLOBALIZING - Prof. Eliã Pinheiro Botelho

- Lectures at scientific events;

- Actions to update professionals from the hospital network, government sectors, UFPA, taught by professors from PPGENF/UFPA;

- Carrying out scientific projects and extension directly with the community in which health actions and feedback on the results obtained are used;

- Direct interaction with undergraduate students with conferences to disseminate results of scientific studies as well as through scientific initiation (PIBIC, PIVIC). It is noteworthy that this interaction occurs both at the UFPA level and with private HEIs.